Training the Singing Voice - online book

An exploration of the theories, methods & techniques of Voice training.

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be taught indirectly through these two channels of training. [309, p. 11] "The great singer colors his voice psychologically, and not by conscious control." [Stanley and Maxfield 580, p. 125]
Quality as a guide. Quality is that property of a tone which may dis­tinguish it from another tone having the same pitch, loudness and dura­tion. It is the identifying character of a sound determined chiefly by the resonance of the vocal chambers in uttering it. (W)
Sixteen opinions agree on the importance of cultivating in the singer a "subjective hearing recognition of good quality or beauty of tone." [Wharton 655, p. 75] Quality is more important than pitch in evaluating a voice. [Samoiloff 484, p. 5] It is more important than intensity or vol­ume [De Bruyn 132] and you may even have to sacrifice correct diction if by doing so you can best preserve the beauty of tone in singing. [Kort-kamp 322] An old Italian maxim runs: cerca la qualita, la quantita verra (Seek quality, quantity will come). [Orton 439, p. 120] In other words, a loud voice is not necessarily a good voice, [Austin 28] and a soft, dear pure quality is the foundation for dynamics, flexibility and good diction. [Glenn 204] Fory agrees with W. J. Henderson's opinion that "if singers would devote all their attention to securing a round, mellow, beautiful tone/' they would have no further difficulties in voice production. [189]
The first thing the singer should do in warming up for practice is to make certain of the quality of his instrument. [Kerstin Thorborg 612] In­deed, the proper "placing" of the voice consists mainly in acquiring those techniques for adjusting the vocal resonators whereby the best quality of tone is secured. [Bartholomew 36] To determine the characteristic quality of any voice one should first determine what the natural or spontaneous and undisciplined vocal utterance is like. This will bring forth the true quality or timbre whereby vocal classifications or evaluations may be made. [Witherspoon 675]
Acquiring a vocal focus. To focus the voice is to direct the attention ex­clusively toward a limited or localized area of the body where much vi­brational or resonance activity is centered during the emission of vocal sound. (W) The main factor in tone production is in controlling the sen­sation of forward focus, according to Kwartin. [325, p. 41] It is indispen­sable as a means of removing interference in the larynx and pharynx. [Savage 490, p. 90] Dodds and Lickley claim that the bel canto term, sing­ing on the breath, is a teaching device for focusing the tone forward in